OVER!academy was established to address the need for increased knowledge of menopause and options to manage related problems and health risks. Innovative Education, Research and Care Programs are being developed in collaboration with a gynecologist and menopause expert.
Margriet Hijweege
She started the OVER!academy based on her consulting experience and added the expertise of menopause experts such as a gynecologist and menopause nurse. By having them share their knowledge with women and initiate research, the quality of our programs is guaranteed. The OVER!academy has now informed thousands of women about what happens in their bodies during menopause. We have also put organizations on the track of transition care for their employees as part of being a good employer. In-service training of professionals is increasingly taking place for general practitioners, occupational physicians, pharmacists, and occupational health and safety services to provide quality answers to their clients’ questions in their practices.
Alice Visser, consultant menopause OVER!academie Norway
I have been living and working in Norway since 1994. I have gained a lot of work experience in various parts of healthcare, where it became clear to me that the topic of ‘women’s healthcare’ needed attention. As of 2023, ‘work and menopause’ is not yet a topic of discussion within organizations, NAV, occupational health services, and among women themselves in Norway. Therefore, I see it as an opportunity, on behalf of the OVERacademy, to engage in dialogue with professionals and individual women here in Norway.
I can draw on the knowledge and experience within the OVER!academy and translate that to the Norwegian situation. They presented their report in March 2023 on the radio news, they highlighted the issues regarding menopause and challenges in work life.The Norwegian government has written a public study in 2023, starting that menopause care and work should also receive attention.
Making your organisation menopause friendly
Expert guidance and training to help you introduce the right support.
Our highly skilled team of menopause in the workplace experts work closely with you to help introduce the right support in your organisation. We’ll equip you with the facts about menopause, the latest clinical thinking and get the conversation buzzing throughout your business.
Our expert background in menopause, learning and development, and communications means we know how to reach each and every one of your colleagues with your message, engaging and inspiring them to understand the role they play.
We explore all aspects of menopause in the workplace support.
Together, we’ll help you develop the right menopause in the workplace training, education, policies and practices to make your organisation menopause friendly.
Menopause at work training, online training week of menopause, challenges, magazines … and so much more!
Look below for our important inspirations,
knowledge sharing, and knowledge sessions!
Interview overgang Anne Svendsvoll
Anne was op het hoogtepunt van haar carrière. Toen kwam de menopauze. We missen nog steeds kennis over de menopauze. Het kan zowel op het werk als in het dagelijks leven zwaar zijn. "Vaak was het een worsteling. Ik kon vele uren wakker liggen 's nachts, en net diep in slaap vallen [...]
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